Windows Xp Speeder Sp3 V.2

Copy in the very magnificence and stability
Operate on less Bkhvah specifications and stability
Updated until November 2011 activated and accept updates from Microsoft
Contains many themes and important programs that need to run Windows after terracing
Programs added
- Microsoft .NET Framework V.2 .
- Java Platform SE V.6 .
- K-Lite Mega Codec Pack V.7.9.0 .
- Real Alternative V.2.0.2 .
- Yahoo Messenger 11 .
- Windows Live Messenger V.14.0.8117.416 .
- Adobe Flash Player V.11 For All Browsers .
- Foxit Pdf Reader V. .
-Internet Download Manager V.6.07 .
- WinRAR V.4.01 En .
- WinAmp V.5.601 .
- FireFox V.8.0 .

What has been deleted from the copy
- Internet Games .
- ScreenSavers .
- Music Sample .
- Msn Explorer .
- Windows Messenger .
- Net Frame Work .
- Search ASssistant .
- Tour .
- Old Wallpaper .
- Old Themes .
- Old Sound .


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